Back pain: what to do in case of very strong pain loss

The back called the part of the body located between the lower back and lower division of the neck. The pain in the back, with many diseases. And so often, that by the number of consultations in hospitals occupy the second place after acute respiratory infections.

The common causes of the pain

What to do when the back pain? Of course, consult a doctor. The treatment of back care from neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, practices manual doctors. They will discover the true cause of the disease, designate a treatment. The cause of the pain can be:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis (Ankylosing spondylitis);
  • lumbago;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • of pregnancy.
  • congenital and acquired curvature of the spine – scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
  • factors;
  • long physical of the load with tension in the muscles of the back;
  • tumors, metastases in the vertebral column;
  • pain radiating into the back of certain diseases of internal organs.
the pain is back

Major diseases can cause back pain, they can be grouped into several groups: degenerate-dystrophic, inflammatory, myofascial, rare diseases. Separately, the pregnancy is considered a physiological state of the body.

The degenerative diseases of the spine

Osteochondrosis and spondiloarthrosis frequent disease, accompanied by pain in the back. The reason lies in the pathological changes in various structures of the spine. The differences and similarities of honey in the two following diseases:

The name of the disease Cause of the pain The reasons
Osteochondrosis The defeat of the cartilage, intervertebral discs, since jelly-like kernel. Suffer from a body of adjacent vertebrae with the formation of osteophytes, foraminal. Injuries, falls, physical persons, and the expense, of the age.
Spondiloarthrosis or faceted arthropathy The violation of the functions of the small (facet) vertebrae with the formation of bony growths. The renaissance of the fibrotic ring of the intervertebral disc, the pathology of the ligaments. Osteochondrosis, injuries, physical activity, disorders of posture and foot function.

Sciatica, lumbago, intercostal neuralgia, radicular syndrome is synonymous with disease. It is a consequence of the degenerative disease of the disk, combined with a hernia. The hernia irritate, compress nerve roots, causing tension and spasm of muscles between ribs. Accordingly, there are strong pain in the lower back that can lead to his feet. Not cured disease leads to paresis. The patient feels "the crawl of tingling, numbness, decreased sensitivity of the members. The leg is hard to lift and straighten it. The terrible pains appear when you are seated, you try to lift or straighten the injured leg.

If the spin fell ill due to disc degeneration or spondylarthrosis, you must seriously stubbornly do the treatment. The initial phase, in particular among young people, the disease is reversible. In the opposite case, takes the chronic with periods of exacerbation and remission. With time, the frequency of exacerbations will increase, and the back pain to increase.

Inflammatory diseases


It even has Ankylosing spondylitis, the – chronicle of the heavy defeat of the joints of the spine. Has a genetic predisposition. Most common young people operational men in the flower of age. Sooner or later, the disease results in a disability. Osteoarthritis begins with a change of disks. As the development of the disease on the vertebrae, which are firmly related to each other by connective tissue in a structure of bamboo stick). The spine is fully switches to the stationary state.


If in the morning you receive a stiff, aching pain in the back, one loses the flexibility of the spine, contact your doctor immediately. The development of the disease is still possible to suspend and extend the duration of physical activity.

The Disease Kümmel-Verneuil

As Ankylosing spondylitis refers to a group of non spondylosis. Only occurs after an injury. The tragedy of the disease lies in the fact that the pain of traumatic soon pass. The disease "is silent" for an indefinite period. The victim the person is in perfect health. The disease manifests itself unexpectedly necrotic changes of the vertebrae, fractures, frequent relapses, the terrible pain.


Specific and non-specific inflammation of the spine caused by different reasons. Specific spondylitis are referred to as:

  • the tuberculosis of the vertebrae (Pott's disease);
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • brucellosis;
  • intestinal, bruchnotifozna the wand.

The diseases are accompanied by destruction of the vertebral bodies with very high persistent back pain, the deformity of the spine.

Myofascial pain

The name suggests that the disease affects the muscles and fascia of the back. In the case of traffic congestion, muscle tension, injuries, disorders of posture, osteochondrosis in the fascia and muscles form trigger point. It is dense, painful education in the form of lumps or tyazhey. When pressed on the points and massage you are experiencing pain.

Trigger zone are active and passive. The active zones are the places of the sensitivity and excitability of the muscles, cache. React at the slightest movement of the muscles. Passive areas of the pain only appears when the pressure.

The internal diseases

Pneumonia, pleurisy causes a stabbing pain at the back. Heart disease pain may be to give the shoulder blade. The kidney diseases are accompanied by prolonged pain in the lower back, the lower back. But for the somatic diseases, with the exception of the pain in the first place are the other symptoms. For example, pneumonia, a pleurisy, a cough, temperature, shortness of breath, etc

Physiological pain

Pregnancy is a physiological state of the woman in the face of frequent back pain. In the period of gestation of the child, the body of a woman little radical hormonal restructuring. Increases the load on all the organs, the system is not to the exclusion of the vertebral column. Change the state of psycho-emotional pregnant woman.


The lumbar back pain during early pregnancy occur during the threat of a suspension. They proofers, aching, sometimes cramping. Of the pain to a later date due to the increase of the load on the back muscles and the spine. In women change the posture, increasing the lumbar lordosis is another cause of the pain to the pregnant woman.

When the threat of suspension in need of emergency assistance. In order to reduce the load on the spine, it is recommended to wear prenatal care fabric. In this crucial period important of all, the same height of heel, it must be small.

Other reasons


Benign and malignant tumors, metastases in the spinal column when the adenoma of the prostate, the myeloma of the disease are the cause of unbearable terrible pain of the spine and the back.

Osteomyelitis of the spine

It is a rare disease caused by the infection and inflammation of the vertebrae by microbes: staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus. Hits the different departments of the vertebral column. It occurs more frequently in males after 40 to 50 years. The disease is presents with pain of the victim of the division, of the fever, the intoxication.

Paget's Disease

Or ostéodystrophie, occurs when the violation of the synthesis and the restoration of bone tissue. Appears on the bottom of an auto-immune disease, when the ankylosing spondylosis, fractures. Characterized by the fragility and the increased fragility of the bones of the spine.

The diagnosis

If the back hurts, it is overall required screening. First of all, the doctor looks at the patient carefully. Further, the diagnosis is based on clinical and instrumental indicators.

During the inspection, it turns out nature of the pain, the location, the time of onset of the night, during a change of the position of the body during physical effort, rest, etc, taking into Account the comorbidities that can cause pain in the back, pneumonia, pleurisy, tumours, mental illness, back injuries. Then, other studies are ongoing:

  • chemistry and blood analysis;
  • the x-ray in two projections;
  • CT of the spine – tomography;
  • The MRI of the spine – magnetic resonance imaging;
  • bone scan – obtaining 2-dimensional image after the introduction of radioactive isotopes and other types of investigations.

The doctor is better hurts know what types of diagnostics to do. Sometimes, in order to determine the cause of the disease, it is enough to x-ray. Sometimes recourse to other, more informative types of investigation.

The tactics of the treatment of

Depending on the type of disease and severity, is choosing your method of treatment – conservative or surgical. Patients with acute pain and serious illness are being treated in a hospital, the rest of the outpatients. Surgery of the vertebral column are very rare. Preference is given to the conservative treatment, which works on the disease. If pain are presented:

  • drugs non-steroidal;
  • synthetic adrenal hormones;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • synovial prosthetics.

Acute pain withdraw novocain blockade, the bites, hydrocortisone analgesics. Outside of the worsening view of the ointments, massages, kinesitherapy, physiotherapy, massage and reflexology. Gives good results to stay in a sanatorium. To relieve temporarily the patient from the spine, wear menus for fastening corsets.

The pain is not only a source of unpleasant sensations. In the initial period of the disease, acts as a protective reaction, indicates that the body is bad, and you need to take action.